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Monday, January 21, 2008

Show reports for a package in Reports.aspx -- CognosSDK.cs

When you query the Cognos Content Store it is important to remember that you can search for one specific item, or you can search for all objects of a specified type. For example, if you wanted to find the details for one particular report item then you would use the following syntax for your search path value.

spSingle.Value = "/content/package[@name='" + _pkgName + "']/report[@name='" + _rptName + "']";

However, if you wanted to find all reports for a specified package then you would use the following syntax for your search path value.

_reportPath = "/content/package[@name='" + _package + "']/report//*";

This is the same logic if you wanted to find all packages that exist in the Cognos Content Store.

_packagePath = "/content//package/*";