Thursday, January 24, 2008
Run a report with prompts -- CognosSDK.cs
Note that our executeReport() method is looking for a Boolean value to state whether or not to prompt. When we want the prompt page then we set this Boolean value to True.
public string executeReport(string reportSearchPath,parameterValue[] pv, reportService1 reportService, string[] strFormat, bool blnPrompt){
………… method body………
The executeReport() method contains an asynchReply variable that is used to capture the conversation context of the request.
asynchReply C8reply =, pv ,arrRunOpts);
We will then pass the C8reply variable as an input parameter to the getOutputPage() method. This method will be used to populate a string variable with a string representation of the prompt page's HTML. It is this value that is written to PromptPage.aspx and displays the report's prompt page to the end user.
strHTML = getOutputPage(C8reply);
public string getOutputPage(asynchReply response)
asynchDetailReportOutput reportOutput = null;
for (int i = 0; i < response.details.Length; i++)
if (response.details[i] is asynchDetailReportOutput)
reportOutput =
catch (SoapException exSoap)
ExHandler exCognos = new ExHandler(exSoap);
return _ErrMsg = exCognos.Details + " :-: " + exCognos.Message + " :-: " + exCognos.Severity + " :-: " + exCognos.ErrorCode;
//text based output is split into pages -- return the current page
return reportOutput.outputPages[0].ToString();
Before we display the prompt page to the end user we want make some modifications to the HTML that was returned. Our CustomizeHTML() helper function is used to update the HTML in order to work with our sample web solution. The main change will involve adding our own customized finish button to the prompt page to control the form's submission to Output.aspx. This will also enable us to add our own JavaScript function to the button's onClick() event. This is achieved in the CognosSDKHelper.js file.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Show reports for a package in Reports.aspx -- CognosSDK.cs
spSingle.Value = "/content/package[@name='" + _pkgName + "']/report[@name='" + _rptName + "']";
However, if you wanted to find all reports for a specified package then you would use the following syntax for your search path value.
_reportPath = "/content/package[@name='" + _package + "']/report//*";
This is the same logic if you wanted to find all packages that exist in the Cognos Content Store.
_packagePath = "/content//package/*";
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Show All Packages in Default.aspx -- CognosSDK.cs
Show all packages
The entry point to our Cognos SDK web solution will be Default.aspx. This will be a basic web page that will only contain a listbox control and a command button. The listbox will be populated with all of the package items that exist in the specified Cognos Content Store.
Default.aspx will call the CognosSDK.cs object in order to query the Cognos Content Store for a list of Content Store objects. In this case, we will only be interested in retrieving the list of all Content Store package objects that are of the type packageConfiguration.
The Default.aspx.cs PageLoad() event will contain the following C# code.
if (!Page.IsPostBack)
baseClass[] _bc = _cogSDK.getObjects(_cmService, _CSTypePkg, null);
if (_bc != null)
for(int i=0; i<_bc.Length; i++)
if ( _bc[i] is packageConfiguration)
This will require the CognosSDK.cs object to be instantiated in order to access the getObjects() method.
public baseClass[] getObjects(contentManagerService1 _cmService, string _path, string _package)
Monday, January 14, 2008
Cognos SDK Guide by BI Centre -- web.config
Here is a concise definition for a web.config file from wikipedia.
Source: wikipedia
“The web.config is the main settings and configuration file for an ASP.NET web application. The file is a text based XML document that defines such things as connection strings to any databases the application uses, the default language for child pages, whether debugging is allowed and how it can be implemented, whether session state is used by default, what type of authentication is used, if any, and so on.
Web.config files can only be placed inside directories that have been configured as ASP.NET applications, commonly the web application's root directory. Web.config files inherit properties from higher level .config files and ultimately machine.config however some settings inside machine.config cannot be overridden.
The web.config file is so central to the ASP.NET framework that when the file is saved, IIS restarts the application it belongs to. Visual Studio will automatically create a web.config file when needed, such as compiling a web application to run in debug mode.”
Our web application will be mainly using the web.config for storing the default login credentials for an Administrator user, the dispatcher value and the includes folder for any JavaScript or images.
<add key="CTSpwd" value="admin1234" />
<add key="CTSuid" value="administrator" />
<add key="CNmspace" value="1101" />
<add key="CCurl" value="http://server/cognos8/cgi-bin/cognosisapi.dll?" />
<add key="CognosSDKPathIncludes" value="http://server/cognos8/" />
<add key="CognosDispatcher" value= "http://server:9300/p2pd/servlet/dispatch" />
<add key="CSTypePkg" value="packageConfiguration" />
<add key="CSTypeRpt" value="report" />
The C# code uses the following syntax to retrieve the value stored in the web.config.
_dispC8 = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["CognosDispatcher"];
You can see that this value corresponds to the web.config setting.
<add key="CognosDispatcher" value= "http://MyServerName:9300/p2pd/servlet/dispatch" />
Friday, January 11, 2008
Exception Handler Class -- Exhandler.cs
ExHandler.cs is used to handle SOAP Exceptions that may be encountered when making Cognos service requests. The ExHandler.cs class allows you to display a meaningful error message to the end user. It captures the severity, error code, message and details of the exception that has been encountered. These values are appended and returned as a string.
This is example code to capture the Exception’s severity.
/// Return the exception severity. ///
public string Severity{
XmlNode severityNode = exSoap.Detail.SelectSingleNode( "//severity");
if (severityNode != null)
return severityNode.InnerText;
return "";
Your web solution should have all of it’s TRY-CATCH statements updated in order to reference the functionality ExHandler.cs class file. You would simply have to instantiate the object in your updated Catch statements.
ExHandler exCognos = new ExHandler(exSoap);
Here is a more detailed example showing the updated Catch statement and appending a string object with the full exception message.
_cmService = new contentManagerService1();
_rptService = new reportService1();
_dispC8 = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["CognosDispatcher"];
_NmSpace = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["CNmspace"];
_Pwd = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["CTSpwd"];
_Uid = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["CTSuid"];
_CSTypePkg = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["CSTypePkg"];
_CSTypeRpt = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["CSTypeRpt"];
_cmService.Url = _dispC8;
_rptService.Url = _dispC8;
_cogSDK = new CognosSDK();
_cogSDK.CognosLogon(_cmService,_NmSpace,_Uid, _Pwd);
_rptService.biBusHeaderValue = _cmService.biBusHeaderValue;
catch (SoapException exSoap)
ExHandler exCognos = new ExHandler(exSoap);
_ErrMsg = exCognos.Details + " :-: " + exCognos.Message + " :-: " + exCognos.Severity + " :-: " + exCognos.ErrorCode;
catch (Exception ex)
_ErrMsg = ex.Message.ToString();
Thursday, January 10, 2008
CognosSDK.cs -- Helper Functions
Your Cognos SDK class will also contain several helper functions that will aid you in querying and executing against the Cognos 8 Content Store. One example is the sample code to resolve a report’s prompt page prompts and pass the final parameter collection a Report Service’s .run method. The purpose of the method is to iterate through the prompt page’s form collection and identify all Cognos 8 prompt controls by name and retrieve their associated value. This method requires that your Cognos 8 Report Author follows a standardized naming convention for the Report Studio prompt pages. For example, our sample Report Studio reports will name all of the prompt page prompts in the following manner.
v Date Time prompts – p_dteStartDate
v Value prompt – p_txtFirstName
v Multiple Select prompt – p_lstCity
NOTE: As you progress through the code in the CognosSDK.cs file you will find references to string functions that rely on this naming convention. You may be forced to alter your CognosSDK.cs code to work with your Cognos 8 Report Studio naming standards.
For example:
_promptType = nvcFormData.Keys[x];
int _posPrompt = _promptType.LastIndexOf("p_");
if (_posPrompt == 2)
_promptName = _promptType.Substring(2, _promptType.Length - 2);
_promptType = _promptType.Substring(_posPrompt + 2,3);
Monday, January 7, 2008
CognosSDK.cs -- Request Report Parameters
Knowing the parameters that exist in the report definition is a vital piece of information when executing Cognos Report Studio reports via the Cognos SDK. If the parameter collection is not satisfied then the report will maintain a state of prompting.
Here is a code example that shows the request for a report’s parameter collection. You should not that the report item is an input parameter contained in the search path for the report.
public asynchDetail[] GetParams(string packageName, string reportName, reportService1 rptService)
searchPathSingleObject spSingle = new searchPathSingleObject();
string _pkgName = packageName;
string _rptName = reportName;
spSingle.Value = "/content/package[@name='" + _pkgName + "']/report[@name='" + _rptName + "']";
asynchReply _resParameters = rptService.getParameters(spSingle, new parameterValue[]{},new option[]{});
asynchDetail[] _details = _resParameters.details;
return _details;
catch (Exception ex)
_ErrMsg = ex.Message.ToString();
return null;
Now that you have asynchDetail[] object you can access the report’s parameter collection information.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
CognosSDK.cs -- Request Content Store Objects
public baseClass[] getObjects(contentManagerService1 _cmService, string _path, string _package)
propEnum[] _props = new propEnum[]{propEnum.searchPath,propEnum.defaultName,propEnum.objectClass, propEnum.modificationTime, propEnum.connectionString, propEnum.creationTime,, propEnum.specification, propEnum.version, propEnum.defaultName, propEnum.portalPages, propEnum.ancestors, propEnum.owner};
if(_cmService != null)
sort[] _sort = {new sort()};
_packagePath = "/content//package/*";
_reportPath = "/content/package[@name='" + _package + "']/report//*";
searchPathMultipleObject _spMulti = new searchPathMultipleObject();
if (_path == "packageConfiguration")
_path = _packagePath;
else if (_path == "report")
_path = _reportPath;
_path = null;
_spMulti.Value = _path;
//Query Cognos 8 and return the Base Class Array to the calling method
baseClass[] _bc = _cmService.query(_spMulti, _props, _sort, new queryOptions());
if(_bc != null)
//if the search request returned results
if(_bc.Length > 0)
return _bc;
return null;
catch(Exception ex)
_ErrMsg = ex.Message.ToString();
return null;
//no results found